EKSPO perkhidmatan perbandaran

From June 26, 2024 until June 28, 2024

Di Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Jepun

Dihantar oleh Canton Fair Net

[e-mel dilindungi]


【公式】自治体・公共Minggu |自治体DXや地方創生等の専門展示会

For those who want to attend, we will introduce the six specialized exhibits and their benefits.Local governments, government agencies, public institutions and companies. Details of each component (visitor records and examples of exhibits) are available. Compare and evaluate products and services to solve local problems. View examples of local government efforts. Details of each exhibit (visitor records and examples) are available. Local governments eager to solve problems can be found. You can reach out to local governments when it is most convenient. What is a Smart City?Introduction to the "people" it affects and some examples from Japan! What is regional revitalization (in 5 minutes)?Local government and SDGs: The relationship. Local Government/Public week We will also send the latest information via our official SNS. RX Japan Co., Ltd. [Planning & Operation]

Satu koleksi enam pameran khusus untuk kerajaan tempatan dan orang ramai. Pameran ini dihadiri oleh kerajaan tempatan, pejabat kerajaan dan institusi awam di seluruh negara untuk mencari produk dan perkhidmatan baharu untuk membantu mewujudkan bandar yang boleh didiami'', menghidupkan semula'', dan menambah baik kecekapan perniagaan''.Bandingkan produk dan perkhidmatan, dan ketahui tentang trend terkini.

Laman web ini mengandungi maklumat terkini tentang pameran, acara lepas dan menerima permohonan daripada pelawat dan peserta pameran.

Six exhibitions devoted to specific fields will bring together the companies that offer the latest services and products in their respective areas. We can collect information efficiently and consult customers on their concerns.